July 7, 2024
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear OLA Parish Family,
The most severe critics are often people we know well: family members, relatives, neighbors, or co-workers we regularly interact with. Jesus faced severe testing when He returned to His hometown, not simply as the carpenter’s son but now as a rabbi with disciples. Jesus startled His audience with a rebuke that no prophet or servant of God can receive honor among his own people. The people of Nazareth took offense at Jesus and refused to listen to what He had to say. They despised His preaching because He was a mere carpenter with no formal scholar training. Jesus could do no mighty works in their midst because they were closed-minded and unbelieving of Him. When people come together to hate and refuse to understand, they will see no point of view other than their own.

Faith can’t be proved. We must embrace and live it. If the people in Jesus’ hometown were to have faith in Him, their faith would start within their own souls. They would listen to Jesus. By their openness and personal revelation from God, they would come to know and believe who He was. Faith comes first from within when God communicates to our hearts. Jesus came to set people free – not only from their physical, mental, and spiritual infirmities – but also from sin itself. God’s power alone can save us from life’s emptiness. When we open our hearts to faith in Jesus’ teachings, we find the strength to overcome life’s challenges and the grace to embrace a life filled with purpose.
Have a peaceful day.
Yours in Christ,
Father Edward Domme
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Rev. Edward C. Domme, Pastor
811 Guaymas Place NE
Albuquerque, NM  87108
Parish Office (505)256-9818

Copyright © 2024 Servants of the Word, source:  dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager