October 6, 2024
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Our Lady of the Assumption Family,
The parents who brought their children to Jesus wanted Him to touch them, knowing of the physical and spiritual healing power that flowed through His hands. Seeing this, the disciples tried to shield Jesus from the nuisance of noisy children. However, Jesus rebuked His disciples for hindering the children. Instead, He welcomed them with delight. By doing so, He demonstrated that God’s love has room for everyone, regardless of age or status.

Everyone is essential to God. He comes to each person individually so that He might touch them with His healing love and power. As we age, it is important that we not lose that childlike simplicity and humility that draws us into Christ’s loving presence. Our lives are not our own; they belong to God. He gives grace and power to those who seek to follow His way of holiness in their state of life. Approach God with the wonder and openness of a child and with the knowledge that we are all His children, worthy of His touch and transformative power. In Christ, we find comfort and the strength to live lives of purpose and compassion, touching others as He has touched us.
Have a blessed day.
Yours in Christ,
Father E. Domme
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Rev. Edward C. Domme, Pastor
811 Guaymas Place NE
Albuquerque, NM  87108
Parish Office (505)256-9818

Copyright © 2024 Servants of the Word, source:  dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager